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Please use this form to give us information about the Westie(s) you need to relinquish.  Be sure to fill out all fields so we have enough information when we contact you.
We also highly recommend reading our articles on Surrendering a Westie and The Dogs We Adopt if you haven't already done so.
Fields marked with an asterisk * are required
Please enter your name
Please enter your email
Please enter your phone number
What is your street address?
What city do you live in?
What state do you live in?
What is your zip (postal) code?
Write your message here
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You can also get in touch with us the following ways:

Westie Rescue Network, Inc.
P.O. Box 884, Lafayette, CO 80026

(720) 360-1212

We are an all volunteer organization but we will get back to you as quickly as possible.